Messages FAQ
on Sep 24, 2024

Status app is currently in beta stage
The Status app is currently in beta. This means the app is still undergoing active development, and certain features described in this document may function differently or be unavailable in the app.

Messaging others is an important part of your Status experience, along with Status Communities, the Status Wallet and the Status web3 browser. In Status, you can message others and chat in communities privately and securely.

The Status app provides a privacy-centric messenger using decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) technology and strong end-to-end (E2EE) encryption.

Instead of centralized networks, which rely on servers controlled by corporations or governments, Status uses a distributed network of nodes. This network is based on Waku, a peer-to-peer protocol for private, secure and censorship-resistant communication.

In a distributed network, users can securely and directly exchange data without intermediaries that could potentially compromise their privacy.

No, it's not. While it's true that messages are sent to every node in a peer-to-peer network, these messages are encrypted. Only the intended recipient can decrypt and read the message.

The Status peer-to-peer network ensures the resilience of the messaging network. For instance, when a network node is shut down or blocked, you can still connect to other nodes.

Status supports free speech infrastructure that prevents us, or anyone else, from censoring you.

Nodes in the network still rely on having an internet connection. So if your internet provider (or an authoritarian regime) shuts down your network, Status messaging won't work.

No, your messages are not in the blockchain and are not transported through the Ethereum network. Messages are temporarily stored in the peer-to-peer network.

Yes, you can always edit and delete your messages.

In some cases, users may still see your original messages, even after you edit or delete them. Check out Edit and delete your messages for more information.

The peer-to-peer network store messages that couldn't be delivered for up to 30 days. Your device downloads and securely stores these messages permanently when you connect to the network. Messages stored on your device are always available offline.

Status implements end-to-end encryption (E2EE) using cryptographic keys. When you send a message, the message is encrypted using the recipient's public key. The only way to decrypt the message and read its content is by using the recipient's private key. Even if a malicious actor intercepts the message, they can't read its content as they don't have the private key.

The Waku network implements additional privacy capabilities in addition to E2EE, such as sender anonymity or metadata protection.

While other messaging apps offer E2EE encryption, their centralized network design allows interpretation of who is talking to whom and where. These messaging apps can collect and sell your data and create a profile about you.

We've built Status so your information is secure and out of our reach. However, it's important to remember that no privacy tool can guarantee absolute data security.

No. No one besides you and the intended recipient can read your messages. For more information on how Status messaging protects your privacy, check out About your Status keys.

Anybody running the Status app becomes a node in the peer-to-peer network. This contributes to a more decentralized and resilient network.

Currently, Status runs nodes to ensure messages can be delivered reliably to disconnected peers. While all traffic is encrypted and out of Status reach, we hope to reduce Status participation progressively.

The fact that Status users are part of the network is a crucial feature of the decentralized design. As long as the network remains open and accessible to all users and is not controlled by a single entity, Status' operation of some network nodes does not undermine this design.

Updated by
Emmaon Sep 24, 2024
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